“Even Broken Wings Fly!”


Bringing healing and empowerment to women in distress.


No matter what, no matter where, God is in the midst of her ‘the woman’ and she shall not fail. The Grace Abound for Women Foundation stands committed in partnership with God that the woman shall not fail and it is our mission to bring healing and empowerment to women in distress.

Woman, remember that there is hope. Even broken wings fly!

WOMEN Education

Training and Education

On a mission to empower women in distress, we have woven training and education into our program offerings. By so doing, we will liberate her to greater levels.

black women hug

Support for Women in Distress

There comes a time when the unexpected happens and a woman is forced into a situation she would never have imagined would be part of her story. During these times, she might feel alone and deserted, but we want to help her get through by providing support in difficult times.

female graduate

Tertiary Institution Scholarship

Our first full scholarship was awarded to a full time student who finished from the Metallurgical Engineering program at the University of Lagos. She is now independent and working in the United Kingdom (U.K.) supporting her mum, a single parent and her three siblings. She will be pursuing a masters in Programming or a related field in the nearest future.

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

— Psalm 139:14


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
